2 Who was chanakya & What was the importance of the treatise he wrote?
Chanakya was an ancient Indian polymath and who was active as a teacher, author, strategist, philosopher, economist, jurist and royal advisor.
Born: 375 BC, Taxila, Pakistan
Died: 283 BC, Pataliputra
Nickname: Indian Machiavelli
Nationality: Indian
Parents: Rishi Canak
The Arthashastra is an Indian treatise on politics, economics, military strategy, the function of the state, and social organization attributed to the philosopher and Prime Minister Kautilya (also known as Chanakya, Vishnugupta, l. c. 350-275 BCE) who was instrumental in establishing the reign of the great king
Chanakya was an ancient Indian polymath and who was active as a teacher, author, strategist, philosopher, economist, jurist and royal advisor.
The Arthashastra is an Indian treatise on politics, economics, military strategy, the function of the state, and social organization attributed to the philosopher and Prime Minister Kautilya