English, asked by Bantysahish, 1 month ago

2. Write a short paragraph on
3. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about a marriage ceremo
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms given in bracket:
(a) My father for Patna next week. (leaves, will leave)
(b)_ him last Sunday.(meet,met)
(c) The boys football for an hour. (are playing, has been playing
5. Fill in the blanks with suitable modals given in bracket. ( can, should,
(a) You
drive carefully. (b) ___T help you? (c) Hes
6.Answer the following questions:
(a)Write the names of some awards given to Bismillah Khan.
(b) Write two causes which made Kezia afraid of her father?
(c) What should be done to make the wind friendly?
(d) What does the "Humid shadows" refer in the poem "Rain on the Roc
(e) What did God ask one of His angels to bring?
(f) How did Prashant help the women and children?बाय ​


Answered by ssahidul84gmailcom


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