2. Write a story in about 100 words from the following outline and add a suitable title. (Hints : A farmer's sons
quarrel among themselves – father worried - asks them to bring some sticks – sons break each single stick -
cannot break the sticks when tied in a bundle - father explains the reason.]
There lived a farmer in a village. He had four sons who used to fight and quarrel among themselves quite often. He would advise them saying, "You may fight quite often. It's not good as it will weaken you." But his advice had no effect on them. His sons continued fighting among themselves on very silly things. The farmer decided to teach them a good thing through a practical. One day he brought a bundle of sticks before them and asked each of them to break that. All of them tried to break it but they failed. The farmer untied the bundle and said to them, "Now break the sticks one by one". The sons didn't face any problem and burst out easily, "This was very easy." The farmer said, "Do you get any lesson out of it? " The sons declined. Then he said that his purpose behind the story was that union is strength. His sons understood everything and promised not to fight again among themselves.
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