English, asked by daljeet5073, 1 year ago

. 2. Write a story in about 150-200 words on the basis of the given outlines: The illiterate boy......... caught for pick pocketing.......sent to juvenile prison.........forced to do lessons.........becomes sullen rebellious ........watches French comic film on T.V. during recreation hour........fascinated with the language..........requested coaching classes.........a French tourist guide today. . 2. Write a story in about 150-200 words on the basis of the given outlines: The illiterate boy......... caught for pick pocketing.......sent to juvenile prison.........forced to do lessons.........becomes sullen rebellious ........watches French comic film on T.V. during recreation hour........fascinated with the language..........requested coaching classes.........a French tourist guide today.


Answered by upenderjoshi28


Once upon a time in the outskirts of a city lived an illiterate boy. Without the light of knowledge and education he felt like a rudderless ship in the dark waters. He earned his livelihood by working as labourer; at times he did thieving also. Over the years he had become quite a good hand at pic-pocketing.

One day he was caught red-handed by a cop; he picked the pocket of a disguised cop. Since the cop had caught him red-handed, the evidence against him was sufficient; he was sent to juvenile prison. At prison he had to work quite hard doing chores; he was also forced to do lessons. Hard, monotonous life made him quite sullen and rebellious. He just wanted to run away from the prison. During long lonely hours he reflected over the past of his life; he realized his mistake of not educating himself. There came a change in his attitude one day. As he was watching a French comic movie during the recreational hour, he felt greatly relieved of the stress. He resolved he would learn French language.

He requested the prison authorities to allow him to learn the French language. The authorities complied with is request. A French teacher was arranged. He learnt French with curiosity. He made a great progress. Soon he acquired quite a good hold over the language. Seeing his progress, the authorities released him. Fortunately, he also got a job in the tourism department. He became a tourist guide for people who spoke French.         

Answered by writersparadise

An illiterate boy used to earn his daily livelihood by pickpocketing people who waited at the bus station. He was quite clever in this task that no one knew when he/she was being pickpocketed. The boy was also quite happy about it and quite proud of his achievement.

Unfortunately, one day he was caught unaware when going about his usual activity. As he withdrew his hand from a person’s pocket, a nearby person saw him and caught his hand forcefully. Before he could escape, he was handed over to the nearby police station. The police inspector sent him to the juvenile prison for reformation.

He was forced to study lessons inside the prison. He regretted not having gone to school and studied when he had an opportunity to do. This made him sullen and rebellious. Slowly, he started enjoying a French comic film on TV during his recreation hours. He realized that he could slowly understand a bit of the language and that he had a flair for it. So, he requested for French classes so that he could learn the language more. The cops obliged and he diligently learnt his lessons.

When he came out after serving his prison term, he put his knowledge to good use. He stopped pickpocketing and became one of the most popular French tourist guides.
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