English, asked by Sankareswaran, 2 months ago

2 write a summary or make notes of the following passage

The Chinese were the first to make gun powder, invent the magnetic compass and introduce to the
world the art of making paper. About 2000 years age, the Chinese made gun powder by mixing sulphur
and saltpeter. The mixture exploded when sent in fire. The Chinese were the first to find out the fact
that a narrow magnet floating in a bowl of water would always point to the north. This discovery led to
the invention of magnetic compass. The device helped the sailors to find out the direction when they
were out of sight of land. The Chinese also invented the art of making paper during the 2nd century.
Soon the art of making paper using vegetable pulp reached Arabia , spain and Europe. In course of time
paper factories came into existence. The fourth invention of the Chinese was he art of the printing.
Before this invention, books were written by hand. The Chinese invented the art of printing with
movable types. With this invention, reading and learning became easy to common people as they were
able to print books in large numbers.​


Answered by padmashrikuyili


No.of words in the given Summary : 171 .

No.of words to be written in the Summary : 171/3 = 57 + or - 5 .

No.of words writtened in my summary : 68 .                                    



                                          The Great Inventions of China.  

Rough Draft :

                                           The Great Inventions of China.

The Chinese were the first to make gun powder, invent the magnetic compass and introduce to the world the art of making paper. The mixture exploded when set in fire. This discovery led to the invention of magnetic compass. In course of time, paper factories came into existence. The Chinese invented the art of printing with movable types. With this invention reading and learning became easy to common people as they were able to print books in large number.

Fair Draft :

                                             The Great Inventions of China.

The Chinese were the first to make gun powder, invent the magnetic compass and introduce to the world the art of making paper. With this invention, reading and learning became easy to common people as they were able to print books in large number.


                         THE GREAT INVENTIONS OF CHINA.

1.Chinese Inventions:

                               a.gun powder.

                               b.magnetic compass.



2. a.Gun powder from sulphur and saltpeter - explosive.

   b.Magnetic powder - finding direction - great explorers used in discovery of lands.

   c.paper from vegetable pulp - paper industry.

   d.Art of printing - books available to ordinary people.



Answered by sourasghotekar123



The Chinese invented gun powder, invented the magnetic compass, and introduced the world to the art of making paper. When the mixture was ignited, it exploded. This discovery resulted in the development of the magnetic compass. Paper mills were established over time. Printing with movable types was invented by the Chinese. Because of this invention, common people could read and learn more easily because they could print books in large quantities.

The Chinese invented gun powder, invented the magnetic compass, and introduced the world to the art of making paper. Because of this invention, common people could read and learn more easily because they could print books in large quantities.



1.Inventions from China:

a. gunpowder

b. magnetic compass

c. paper.

d. printing.

2. a. Sulphur and salt petrel gun powder - explosive

b. Magnetic powder - finding direction - used by great explorers in land discovery.

c. vegetable pulp paper - paper industry

d. Printing art - making books available to the general public.



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