Social Sciences, asked by achinsharma2222, 7 months ago

2. Write one way in which the modern means of communication are different from the
earlier means of communication. Give two examples of each.​


Answered by syedisaq777


In pre-historical times, before language, cave people communicated by grunts, groans, and different vocal sounds. These sounds meant different things to different groups because extended families tended to remain together for safety from the elements,wild animals, and sharing the work (division of labor). In addition, these cave people communicated by drawings on the walls of their caves, and also by baked slabs which the scrawled pictures of animals, trees, sticks, and stones, each picture, known as pictographs, had meaning to the group (the group often called a horde, and later a tribe).

If out on a hunt, and a mastodon came thrashing through high grass toward two or three men to attack them and one of the men noticed the oncoming animal, he would communicate to the others with a guttural sound that meant “danger coming, let’s run.”

I believe you get the idea.

If you are talking about more modern means of communication, say just a few hundreds or thousands years ago, your history books will tell you how people communicated since Biblical times from around 3,500 years ago until now.

pls mark as brainliest plsplsplsplsplsplspls

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