English, asked by deepadevi4950, 5 months ago

2. Write True or False:
eak to stitch leaves -
(4 Marks)
The other name of Hu-Tu-Tu is Volleyball.
Defence Officer, Wahida Khan is the first woman to lead a parade.
6. Draw
Abu Dhabi is in Kerala.
iv. The queen bee is the egg laying bee.
3. Write the answer to the following questions:
What is a Langar?
(6 Marks)
Why does a bird make a nest?
Write the names of two special foods cooked on special occasions.
4. Classify the following as (0) Smooth to touch or (ii) Rough to touch:
(3 Marks)
Tomato, Pineapple, Brinjal, Mango, Ladyfinger, Bitter gourd
(1) Smooth to touch
(ii) Rough to touch


Answered by officialsalman8106


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