English, asked by jasminekharanger, 1 month ago

2. Yoga is the ancient Indian system to keep a person fit in body and mind. It is basically a system of self-treatment. According to yogic view, diseases, Disorders and aliments are the result of some faulty ways of living, bad habits, lack of proper knowledge and unsuitable food. The diseases are thus the resulant state of a short or prolonged malfunctioning of the body system. The root cause of a disease lies in not correcting the mistakes by the same individual. The yogic practice and proper knowledge of things concerning the self. (5) Q1. The benifits of the system of yoga is: Q2. What type of system is this basically: Q3. Diseases, Disorders and aliments are the results of: 24. What is the root cause of disease? Q5. How many steps does yoga practice keep? please answer
of question 5​


Answered by dakshvidhika


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