2. You happen to visit a clinic and diagnosed with UTI. The technician obtained a urine sample and found 10 bacteria in it. After growing the culture for 8 hours there were 5 x 107 bacteria. Can you calculate the generation time for the bacteria growing causing UTI?
Answer: pls make me an brainliest
Laboratory diagnosis is based on colony counts following culture, which reflect the concentration of organisms in urine and hence the likelihood that the bacteria grown arise from a UTI rather than contamination. UTI is typically caused by a single organism that is present in a high concentration, usually ≥ 105 CFU/ml.81 However, laboratory guidelines differ regarding the nature and extent of bacterial growth required to confirm UTI.82,83 NICE guidelines do not provide a definitive threshold for diagnosing UTI on culture but provide advice about the level of bacterial growth in relation to symptoms and signs.2 Based on paediatric data, others have since proposed higher thresholds, for example ≥ 106 CFU/ml.80 It is not surprising, then, that laboratory guidelines differ regarding the nature and extent of bacterial growth required to confirm UTI according to the patient’s age, symptoms and urine collection method.82,83 Although NHS laboratories in the UK follow the UK Standards for Microbiological Investigation for examination of urine, application of the method varies between laboratories.
For this reason, and when sufficient urine was available, we sent a fraction of the urine to a single research laboratory where it was to be processed by a small number of technicians and according to a SOP. Although we wanted the algorithm results to be generalisable to current NHS practice, we did not know whether the NHS or research laboratory was providing the more reliable and accurate results.
Therefore, the aim of this chapter is to report the comparison of reliability and accuracy of UTI laboratory diagnosis between routine NHS laboratories and a single research laboratory. We investigated associations of pre-specified symptoms and signs related to UTI, and urine dipstick test results identified from the literature, with different laboratory definitions of urine culture positivity.