English, asked by brain11r, 1 year ago

20 antonyms, 20 synonyms with sentences


Answered by mindfulmaisel

Format: synonym-antonym

Example :

1.        Achieve – fail

                         Usain Bolt achieved a new world record.

                        Usain Bolt failed to make a legal start at the 2012 athletics championships.

 2.        Afraid - Confident

                         I was afraid of getting caught for sleeping during the class.

                        I was confident about my exam preparations.

3.        Ancient - Modern

                        The Colosseum is an ancient wonder of the world.

                       Taj Mahal is a modern wonder of the world.

4.        Arrive - Depart

                         The flight arrived 20 minutes late.

                        The train departed from the railway station.

5.        Arrogant – Humble

                          The king was arrogant to his people.

                          Gandhiji was a humble man.

6.        Attack - Defend

                            The burglar attacked the dog.

                            I defended myself from the hail.

7.        Blunt - Sharp

                             The axe of the woodcutter was blunt.

                             Chefs always prefer sharp knives.

8.        Complex - Simple

                              Physics problems are usually complex to solve.

                             School level maths is very simple.

9.         Demand - Supply  

                               The customers demanded novel products from Apple.

                              Water is supplied through pipeline connections.

10.        Destroy - Create

                              Hitler destroyed half of the Jewish population.

                              Man created the art of farming.

11.        Divide - Unite

                               India is divided by different cultures but stays united as one nation.

12.        Drunk - Sober

                               I usually don’t take any decisions while I am drunk, I take them when I am sober.

13.        Expand – Contract

                               Metals usually expand on heating and contracts on cooling.

14.        Freeze – Boil

                               Water freezes at very low temperature and starts boiling at high temperatures.

15.        Full - Empty

                               It is not advisable to sleep with an empty stomach neither can you sleep with your stomach full.

16.        Generous - Stingy

                               I am a Generous man, unlike my brother who is stingy.

17.        Innocent – Guilty

                                It is the duty of the court to declare whether the accused is innocent or guilty of the crime.

18.        Marvelous – Terrible

                                She looked marvelous in red saree, unlike the other day when she looked terrible in a blue one.

19.        Noisy - Quiet

                                Children are usually noisy at home, but they stay quiet away from home.

20.        Private – Public

                                Air India, which was previously fully a public firm is now getting privatized.

Answered by s14748aarindom03794


1. Magnify – expand: He magnified their happiness like their pain.

2. Baffle – confuse, deceive: The bad news he received consecutively confused him.

3. Beautiful – attractive, pretty, lovely, stunning: You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.

4. Bossy – controlling, tyrannical: You have a structure that likes to bossy.

5. Fair – just, objective, impartial, unbiased: We believe you are impartial.

5. Funny – humorous, comical, hilarious, hysterical: My uncle is the most funny person in the family, and when we all get together, they always make us laugh.

6. Happy – content, joyful, mirthful, upbeat: I think the most important factor in this life is to be happy.

7. Hardworking- diligent, determined, industrious, enterprising: Maybe she was the quietest girl in our class, but more hardworking than all of us.

8. Honest – honorable, fair, sincere, trustworthy: Being honest should be one of our most important character traits.

9. Hypocrisy – duplicity, falseness: Everyone knows that they can never tolerate hypocrisy.

10. Important – required, vital, essential, primary, significant, critical: We need to talk to you about this important issue immediately.

11. Intelligence – smart, bright, brillant, sharp: We all know that you have unique intelligence.

12. Introverted – shy, bashful, quiet, withdrawn: You already have an extroverted personality, we believe you will overcome all this.

13. Kind – thoughtful, considerate, amiable, gracious: We have always known you as a kind person, I could not make sense of all this.

14. Lazy – idle, lackadaisical, lethargic, indolent: When I met her teacher today, she told me that she was too lazy this year.

15. Lucky – auspicious, fortunate: How lucky you are! You won this game.

16. Mean – unfriendly, unpleasant, bad- tempered, difficult: I can’t figure out what this means most, please speak a little more.

17. Old – antiquated, ancient, obsolete, extinct: Today we will visit old aunts.

18. Outgoing – friendly, sociable, warm, extroverted: I think it has an extroverted structure.

19. Pacify – appease, placate: I came here to appease you.

20. Positive – optimistic, cheerful, starry- eyed, sanguine: I always recommend you to be positive.

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