Art, asked by Ayesha8902, 1 year ago

20 art differences of harappan and mesopotamian civilization


Answered by pokefan78


More difference between harappan and mesopotamian are there culture

Answered by kookie9765



Artistically it is easy to determine that the Harappans were more advanced. While most Mesopotamian art was preferred mediums were sculpting and painting. They also inlayed and enriched wood with scenes made of shells and semiprecious stones and did relief carvings in stone, but almost always these pieces of art were for their gods. In contrast the Harappans celebrated all art, but especially the arts of dancing, painting, plastic arts, pottery, modeling, weaving and metal working. They were very skilled in all these areas. Their pottery is of very high quality with surprisingly beautiful designs. The anatomical details found in their modeling are far beyond their time. Their carved seals used in trading are now considered miniature masterpieces in art. They were responsible for a new style of painting animals in their natural environments. It is generally accepted that the Harappan art is much more advanced than any other of its time, including the Mesopotamians.


hope this helps :)

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