20 english and scientific names of animals
ant - Formicidae
wolf - canis lupus
Bird - Aves
pig - sus
rat - rodentia
local names - scientific names
1. Tiger - Panthera tigris
2. Lion - Panthers leo
3. Elephant - Elephas
4. Camel - Camelus
5. Monkey - Macaca
6. Dog - Canis
7. Cat - Felis
8. Human beings - Homo sapiens
9. Dolphin - Delphinus
10. House fly - Musca domestica
11. Earth worm - Pheretima
12. Mosquito - Aedes
13. Frog - Rana tigrina
14. Honeybee - Apis
15. Sea hare - Aplysia
16. Shark - Sphyrna
17. Wall Lizard - Hemidactylus
18. Tree lizard - Chameleon
19. Cabra - Naja
20. Crow - Corvus splendens
21. Vulture - Neophron
22. Pigeon - Columba livea
23. Whale - Balaenopteta
Remember !
◉ The scientific name are always written in Latin. They are Latinized or derived from Latin irrespective of their origin.
◉ When the scientific names are handwritten they are underlined and Printed in italics to indicate their Latin Origin.