English, asked by priyalkalra05, 1 year ago

20 lines on sun......... ​


Answered by rakzhana01


Sun is a star and one of the most important parts of our solar system.

It is the nearest star to our earth.

All the planets of our solar system revolve around the sun.

The Sunlight emitted by sun travels at the speed of 3,00,000 kilometres per second.

When the sun rises, it is called day and when it goes away, it becomes night. Thus without sun, there is darkness everywhere.

Sun is also responsible for the different seasons of the earth. When the earth is near the sun on its axis, it becomes summer and when the earth goes far from it, winter appears.Sun also causes rain on earth which is very important for all the living organisms on earth.Sun gives sunlight which is used by the plants to make food. This process is known as photosynthesis.Sunlight is also used to generate electricity using solar cells.

Without sun, no living organism can survive on earth.

Answered by robinchatha


1) Sun is a yellow dwarf star positioned in the center of our solar system.

2) Sun is the source of light and energy to our planet earth.

3) Many scientists claim that the sun is supposed to be 4.603 billion years old.

4) Sun is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium gases.

5) Sun orbits the solar system at the speed of 820,000 km an hour.

6) Sun takes almost 235 million years to rotate one complete orbit around the solar system.

7) Sun surface temperature is around 5800 K and at the core, it is 15 million degrees.

8) Sun is a perfect sphere in shape and is 109 times wider than earth.

9) Sun is currently at its middle age and would remain fairly stable for the next 5 billion years.

10) Sun has been also regarded as a deity in Hindu culture.


1) Sun is the vital component for the survival of life on earth as it provides the energy needed for the vegetation to grow.

2) A nuclear fusion reaction is the primary source of solar energy and the radiant and heat light from the sun.

3) The UV radiation from the sun is very harmful in nature as it may cause skin cancer.

4) Solar energy on earth is one of the most abundant natural resource which can be utilized for the benefits of mankind.

5) Sun will become a white dwarf star after 5 billion years burning up all of the hydrogens.

6) Sun rotates in the direction opposite to the earth.

7) Sun has a very powerful complex magnetic field generated through charged particles in the hot gases of helium and hydrogen.

8) Sun generates solar wind which can travel through the solar system with a speed of 440 km per second.

9) The entire sun comprises mainly three layers, i.e. photosphere, the chromospheres, and the corona.

10) A solar eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs when the moon comes in between earth and sun.

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