Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
a) Fom the moment a bully opens its eyes, il in learning, Sight and sensation spark off a learning process
w lub will lulemmme in lue 11lcune Ile sunt ul person it will lecumu. Language stands head and
shullers over all other loals as an instrument of learning. It is language that gives man his lead in
intelligere wer all other restures. No other itetture man assemble a list of ideas, consider them, draw
cunclusions au then explain his remisoning Man can do all this because he possesses language. And if
thoughtlepenul on language, clearly the quality on an individual's thought will depend on that person's
Language-numentary or sophisticated, preth or approximate, slereotyped or original,
(b) Vory yang lalties are soothed by human voinullering comforting words close to them. This essentially
emotional respons provides early evidence that feeling is an important component of language learning.
Cluinen luam lu 115k language in inlenclion with ulur human beings and this learning proceeds best
against a huchruind of allerllunale luudhack frum the pursuin who is the closest to them. This is seen to
perfection in the interaction lietween parent and child, eyes locked together, the adult almost physically
drawing a 'verbal response from the baby, both engulfed by that unique experience of intimate and
jaytul connecting' which sets the pattern of relationships between two people.
(e) Thuis long helore they can speak, children are involved in two way process of communication which is
steadily building a foundation on which their later use of language will be based.
Constantly surrounded lay language they are unconsciously building structures in their minds into which
their apruch and reading will later til grammatical constructions, lense sequences and so on. The forms of
these structures will depend on the amount and complexily of speech they hear. The fortunate children
are those who listen to articulate adults expressing ideas and defending opinions.
They will know long before they can contribute themselves, that relationships are forged through the
process of speaking and listening that warmth and humour have a place in the process, as have all the
other human emotions.
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