English, asked by k123456789, 1 year ago

20 points on clean inndia healthy india


Answered by Anonymous

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Answered by sivaarun
Modern life "from the pocket to the office" is an assault course of germs and viruses thanks to greasy touch screens and dirty keyboards. Do we know that a working adult touches as many as 30 objects which may be contaminated by germs or viruses causing infectious disease? Germs know no season, and while there's nothing worse than a nasty case of the influenza over vacation, a summer cold or stomach bug comes in a close second and third.

The proverb "cleanliness is next to Godliness" outlines the importance of the habit of cleanliness in our life. Cleanliness is a fundamentals virtue and next to godliness. The proverb highlights two things:

1. The most important activity of human life is worshiping God.
2. The next important thing is cleanliness, i.e., the state of being clean.

Cleanliness is also regarded as a sign of spiritual growth and purity. It is a good habit to keep our surroundings and ourselves clean and tidy. Some nations like India attach the utmost importance to cleanliness. India has started Clean India ("Swachh Bharat Abhiyan" One step towards cleanliness) mission for the same.

The 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' is a massive mass movement that seeks to create a Clean India. The time has come to devote ourselves towards 'Swachchhata' (cleanliness) of our motherland. It is launched as a responsibility of the each and every Indian citizen to make this country a Swachh country. This campaign has initiated people globally towards the cleanliness. The aim of the mission is to cover all the rural and urban areas of the country to present this country as an ideal country before the world. The mission has targeted aims like eliminating the open defecation, converting insanitary toilets into pour flush toilets, eradicating manual scavenging, complete disposal and reuse of solid and liquid wastes, bringing behavioural changes to people and motivate health practices, spreading cleanliness awareness among people, strengthening the cleanliness systems in the urban and rural areas as well as creating user friendly environment for all private sectors interested for investing in India for cleanliness maintenance.

Responsible employers know that office cleanliness has a direct link to workplace illnesses and go to the extra mile to ensure that their employees work spaces are clean and healthy. They know that one sick employee can infect an entire office, dramatically affecting the productivity and efficiency of their business. Providing a clean office environment is a key component of running an effective organization. Cleanliness is important for a company's brand persona and client perception, but it also has a major role to play for employee health and well-being and can directly influence productivity through the prevention of absences from work.

Germs thrive anywhere people congregate, so the office environment is a veritable breeding ground for illness-causing bacteria and viruses. Studies have found as many as 25,000 germs per square inch on an office telephone and a desk, computer keyboard and mouse aren't far behind. One of the facts finding is one person carrying a virus will infect 50% of all equipment & employees in their vicinity in just four hours. We carry germs with us, whatever we do, we are spreading them. Since our hands are responsible for the spread of 80% of common infectious diseases, effective hand hygiene continues to be universally recognized as the smartest, most cost effective means of infection control in the workplace. Office bathrooms, not surprisingly, are also high on the list of germy places. One way to guard our employees' health and minimize their chances of getting sick is to provide workstation bottles of hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes for keyboards and phones, and antibacterial soap.

Encourage our workers to use them often. One of the best ways to get rid of bacteria on office desks is to wipe the surface clean each day with a disinfecting spray.

The conclusion one can draw here is that efficiency of a person or a society is directly proportional to his or its extent of cleanliness. Cleanliness ensures a healthy mind and body, thus leading to a Swachh society. It improves the quality of our life. A clean person appreciates his life completely and preserves sparkling humanity for coming generations.
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