20 sentences using may and can
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1)we may be invite but not sure
2)he may have been
3)she may be tell me secrect
4)we may go to temple near house
5)i may get full marks in exams
6)we may help to others
7)may we come in
8)i may sit with you
9)they may too busy in work
10)you may follow me
this are all examples for may only
1)i can do it
2)we can help to others
3)i can take care of myself
4)you can learn many thinhs from book
5)i can handle problem
6)can i learn dance
7)i know that i can sing wonderfull
8) can beleive the luck
9)my sister can read
10)they can write tge letter
these are all examples of can
i hope you understood
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