20 : The combination of several methods is required to visualize presence of biological molecules, this is termed as
Even the most stable cellular structures must be assembled, disassembled, and reorganized during the cell's life cycle. Other structures, often enormous on the molecular scale, rapidly change, move, and reorganize themselves as the cell conducts its internal affairs and responds to its environment. Complex, highly organized pieces of molecular machinery move components around the cell, controlling traffic into and out of the nucleus, from one organelle to another, and into and out of the cell itself.
In this section we describe some of the methods that are used to study these dynamic processes in living cells. Most current methods use optical microscopy. All imaging requires the use of some form of radiation, and light is one of the least destructive types of radiation for living systems. Various techniques have been developed to make specific components of living cells visible in the microscope. Most of these methods are based on the use of fluorescent tags and indicators. The molecules that can be specifically imaged in this way range from small inorganic ions, such as Ca2+ or H+, to large macromolecules, such as specific proteins, RNAs, or DNA sequences. Optical microscopy is not, however, the only possible approach to the problem, nor are microscopes the only equipment required.