20 years of time a lot of changes come in any village or town collect information in the table given below about these changes from your parents old people and write in the format given below then prepare a comparative statement showing the changes and present it in your class
Sl.no. Item 20years ago present
1. Houses
2. Transport
3. Mode of
4. Food habits
5. entertainment
6. nature of
Houses -
20 years ago houses in villages mud houses or stick houses were made and they weren't strong enough. Present houses are made of bricks and cement which are very strong.
Transport -
20 years ago the transport were either a cycle ,bullock cart or walking.
In present days, the transport has improved. People use cars, scooter, etc.
Mode of communication -
20 years ago, people used to write letters and send to people. Nowadays people send ins tant messa ges through gadgets (such as mobile pho ne, lapt op, etc).
Food habits -
20 ye ars ago the peo ple used to cook their own food, But nowadays peo ple or der fo od o nline using res pective ap plications.
Entertainment -
20 ye ars ago the enterta inment was only pla ying outd oor gam es but now adays peo ple can play dig ital gam es, wat ch telev ision, etc.
Nature of employment -
20 ye ars ago th ere weren't much emplo yment opp ortunities in villag es, Majo rity of peo ple use d to do far ming. Nowa days peo ple h ave mo re empl oyment oppo rtunities as the technol ogy has devel oped.