Business Studies, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

2000-words on the tips of how to become a successful entrepreneur


1. Challenge yourself. 

Richard Branson says his biggest motivation is to keep challenging himself. He treats life like one long university education, where he can learn more every day. You can too!

2. Do work you care about. 

There’s no doubt that running a business take a lot of time. Steve Jobs noted that the only way to be satisfied in your life is to do work that you truly believe in.

3. Take the risk. 

We never know the outcome of our efforts unless we actually do it. Jeff Bezos said it helped to know that he wouldn’t regret failure, but he would regret not trying.
4. Believe in yourself.

As Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” Believe that you can succeed, and you’ll find ways through different obstacles. If you don’t, you’ll just find excuses.

5. Have a vision. 

The founder and CEO of Tumblr, David Karp, notes that an entrepreneur is someone who has a vision for something and a desire to create it. Keep your vision clear at all times.

6. Find good people. 

Who you’re with is who you become. Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, noted that the fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be.

7. Face your fears. 

Overcoming fear isn’t easy, but it must be done. Arianna Huffington once said that she found fearlessness was like a muscle -- the more she exercised it, the stronger it became.

8. Take action. 

The world is full of great ideas, but success only comes through action. Walt Disney once said that the easiest way to get started is to quit talking and start doing. That’s true for your success as well.

9. Do the time. 

No one succeeds immediately, and everyone was once a beginner. As Steve Jobs wisely noted, “if you look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” Don’t be afraid to invest time in your company.

10. Manage energy, not time.

Your energy limits what you can do with your time, so manage it wisely.

11. Build a great team. 

No one succeeds in business alone, and those who try will lose to a great team every time. Build your own great team to bolster your success.

12. Hire character. 

As you build your team, hire for character and values. You can always train someone on skills, but you can’t make someone’s values fit your company after the fact.

13. Plan for raising capital.

Richard Harroch, a venture capitalist, has this advice for upcoming entrepreneurs: “It’s almost always harder to raise capital than you thought it would be, and it always takes longer. So plan for that.”

14. Know your goals. 

Ryan Allis, co-founder of iContact, pointed out that having the end in mind every day ensures you’re working toward it. Set goals and remind yourself of them each day.

15. Learn from mistakes. 

Many entrepreneurs point to mistakes as being their best teacher. When you learn from your mistakes, you move closer to success -- even though you initially failed.

16. Know your customer. 

Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s, cited knowing your customer as one of his three keys to success. Know those you serve better than anyone else, and you’ll be able to deliver the solutions they need.

17. Learn from complaints. 

Bill Gates once said that your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. Let unhappy customers teach you where the holes in your service are.

18. Ask for customers’ input. 

Assuming what customers want or need will never lead to success. You must ask them directly, and then carefully listen to what they say.

19. Spend wisely. 

When you spend money on your business, be careful to spend it wisely. It’s easy to spend too much on foolish things and run out of capital too soon.

20. Understand your industry. 

Tony Hsieh, the founder of Zappos, once said, “Don’t play games you don’t understand, even if you see lots of other people making money from them.” Truly understanding your industry is key to having success.

21. Deliver more than expected.

Google's Larry Page encourages entrepreneurs to deliver more than customers expect. It’s a great way to get noticed in your industry and build a loyal following of advocates.

Being a successful entrepreneur takes a lot of work, a lot of vision and a lot of perseverance. These 21 tips, from entrepreneurs who have already found success, will help you navigate the path much more easily.

I think that they are 2000 words
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Answered by Apshrivastva
As humans, we all go through our day-to-day lives aiming and craving for success but the truth is very few people know the real definition of success and even more few are ready to give it what it takes.A lot of things are easier said than done and success is very renowned when it comes to this; nobody wants to be a failure, we all want to be a success but very few of us are ready to pay the price.A lot is happening nowadays that is redefining the real meaning of an entrepreneur; people want to take the easy route and by so doing they follow the footsteps of others and pave the way for their failure.According to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary the real definition of an entrepreneur isa person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. I will be explaining some principles below which are required for the success of every entrepreneur (note the word"entrepreneur") - these principles might not apply to everybody as far as success is concerned but the truth is you really need to follow them if youwant to succeed as an entrepreneur.1. Learn To Live by RisksIf you take a look at the definition of the word"entrepreneur" one word that should shine is the word "risks".An entrepreneur is not just an entrepreneur because he knowshow to make money but because he learns to make profit by taking risks.Take a look at all the major project there is, all the major projects that helped some of the biggest entrepreneurs maketheir name, all the projects that helped most of the small entrepreneurs make a living andall the projects that helped entrepreneurs achieve their dreams and one thing you will notice about all these projects is that they are a product of risk.As an entrepreneur there is littleto no assurance of you profitingfrom your investments; it doesn't matter what the stats orthe experts say, there is still little to no guarantee of you succeeding but you have to takethe risk anyway. For example, if you take a look at the blogging and make money online field you will notice that highly successful bloggers like Darren Rowse and John Chow will tell you that blogging is easy but looking at the number of peoplewho start blogs every year and how a "very large" percentage of them fail you will see clearly that this is not true.The truth is, as far as building a successful business is concerned, the result two different people will get under the same circumstance will be completely different. If Darren were to start a new blog today he will be able to build it to a successful stage as a result of the knowledge he has already acquired; this knowledge was gained by the risks he happily took and the cold hard truth is that risks are what help us buildour lives and add to our success.It doesn't matter what you think or have been made to believe, a true entrepreneur live by risks; and when I say "live by", I'm not just talking about taking one risk and forgetting about it, I mean you will keep on taking risks every single day of your live, you will keep on taking risks with every business you start and you will keep on takingrisks with every decision you make.Whether you like to believe this or not, we are gods if we already know the outcome of the decisions we will make; and not knowing the outcomes of our decisions is what is called risks, and this same thing is what makes us humans - you shouldn't shy away from this, but, rather, you should focus on adapting your life to it.
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