Science, asked by vadicharlavijay, 5 months ago

First Terminal Diagnostic Test
Std - 6
Total marks - 80
Date - 16-03-2021
Sub - English
Time - 3 Hours
Day - Tuesday
Name of the student ande Veichnavi
Roll No.
Name of the school:
Choose the correct option from the given alternatives.
1) Who became the commander of birds?
(a) bee
() parrot
(c) crow
2) How much percentage of the water on the planet is in the ocean?
(b) 98%
(C) 90%
3 What happened when Vijay opened the tap in the morning
(al there was no water (b) there was water Othere was some water
4 We should use water
(b) wisely
(c) none
5) Violet is the color of humity and
(b) prayer
5) What was the name of the dish prepared from the scrap of vegetables?
(a) Unghiya Yo Aspam
(6) Avial
7) Moonbeams
(a) Beamoon (b) moobeam troonbeam
The purple frogis
(a) extinct
Write down the method for cooking pasta from the given ingredients.
logrec ents and amounts
cup 30
(a) freeh
(a) pesce
Dried pasta
1 tablespoon
23 tablespoon 25
Anul cheese spread
cup 8
pinch 30 many
Q.3A) Write an acrostic (an acrostic is a poem where each line contains a letter of a word
that is the subject of the poem) using the word LIGHT
(8) Complete the following analogies. Write your answers in the blanks given against
the sentences
1 Hot is taceans is to
2 hand is to giove stoot is to
3 Simple sto easy as hard sto
Study the given passage and answer the following questions
The purple frog is larger than many other frogs. It has a very fat body and short
stout limba Wales are 60 smaller than females The small head seems too short for
the body and the firm snout sticks out in 3 small whate knob. The purple frog has a
shovel-shaped bump on each back leg and rounded toes on the webbed feet for
dgoing The snout and legs help the frog og in the ground for insects. The small,
dear, black eyes are above the narrow mouth. The frog s mouth is only large enough
to eat small insects like termites the frogs favounte foods
! How is the purple frog ofterent from other tross?
21 What is purple frogs favourite food?
3) write one sentence about the following parts of the purple frog?
A) mouth body foleg til
4 Wie synonym of
(al Sout-​


Answered by ammukuttymanikandan




) மரகதப்புறாவுக்குப் பறந்து செல்வது மிகவும் பிடிக்கும்.

ii) மரகதப்புறா, பறப்பதனை விட நிைத்தில் நடப்பதனைதை மிகவும் விரும்பும்.

அ) i மட்டும் ெரி ஆ) ii மட்டும் ெரி இ)இரண்டும் ெரி. ஈ) இரண்டும் தவறு.

5.மரகதப்புறா, __________ மாநிைப் பறனவைாக உள்ளது.

அ)தகாவாவின் ஆ)தகரளாவின் இ)தமிழ்நாட்டின் ஈ)கர்நாடகத்தின

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