21. Name and explain any five components of a chart
spreadsheet package.
The title is a text box you can place anywhere on the chart.
The plot is the area on the chart that displays the data in the chart type you choose.
A data point is one piece of data appearing on the chart. ...
A chart's legend shows what kind of data is represented in the chart. ...
Series are sets of related data.
In order to follow along with this seminar, please click here to start up the spreadsheet shown below. This file will be used throughout the seminar notes.
We will begin with some definitions:
spreadsheet - a table in which you can enter and manipulate data
cell - a table entry. A cell can contain:
labels e.g. Company
numbers e.g. 32.4
functions e.g. SUM(B5:B8)
formulas e.g. = 2 * 2
OR e.g. = 2 * SUM(B5:B8)
row - cells aligned horizontally. Rows are numbered 1,2,3,...
column - cells aligned vertically. Columns are labeled A,B,C,...
range - the specification for a series of cells.