22. A car headlight bulb contains two filaments A and B, as labelled in the diagram. Filament B is at the principal focus of the concave mirror. Copy the diagram and draw the rays of light
from each filament. Why is this arrangement used in car headlight?
Headlight Reflectors
The headlight reflector directs the random light rays of the light bulb into a concentrated beam of light. It is consisted of a layer of silver, chrome, or aluminium deposited on a smooth and polished brass or glass surface. The outer surface of this layer soon tranishes in air. Therefore for a glass reflector, the surface in contact with the glass is used as the reflector and its back face is usually painted with shellac varnish or something similar for protection of the coating.
Reflector theory.
Fig. 29.3. Reflector theory.
Incase of a concave mirror reflector, the centre point on the reflector is called the pole, and a line drawn perpendicular to the surface from the pole is called the principal axis (Fig. 29.3). A point on the principal axis, where the radiating light produces a reflected beam parallel to the principal axis, is known as the focal point. The distance of the focal point from the pole is known as the focal length.
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