Math, asked by lvenkat123456, 4 days ago

Let Z be the largest number that is made up of each of the digits 1 through 9 exactly once and is
divisible by 99. What is the digit in the hundredth place, in such a number? Please note - A number
passes the test for 11 if the difference of the sums of alternating digits is divisible by 11.​


Answered by amitnrw

Given : Z be the largest number that is made up of each of the digits 1 through 9 exactly once and is

divisible by 99.

To Find :   digit in the hundredth place, in such a number


Largest  number possible = 987654321

Number should be divisible by 99 means 9 * 11

sum of 9 digits = 45 hence Divisible by 9  

Divisible by 11

9 - 8 + 7 - 6 + 5 - 4 + 3 - 2  + 1

= ( 25) - (20)

= 5

we need to make this 5 as 0  or  11

it can not be made 0 as  sum of all numbers = 45 Hence one sum will be odd and one will be even

so we nee to get 11

for that we need to get  28  - 17  = 11

Swap 1 with 4   or  3 with 6  or  5 with  8  

but Swap 1 with 4   will give the largest number


987651324  is the largest is divisible by 99

9 - 8 + 7 - 6 + 5 - 1 + 3 - 2  + 4

= 28  - 17  =  11

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