22)The deer was being chased
by the tiger. (State the voice) *
active voice.
passive voice.
Passive Voice : The deer was being chased
The deer was being chasedby the tiger.
Extra Information :
Active Voice : The tiger was chasing the deer.
Required Answer :
1. The deer was being chased by the tiger. (State the voice).
→ The above sentence "The deer was being chased by the tiger" is a passive voice.
So, option (b) passive voice is correct ✔.
Extra Brainly Knowledge :
Voice defination :
• Voice is the form of a verb which is used to say what the subject does or what happens to the subject.
- Ram is beating.
- Ram is being beaten.
Kinds of voice :
There are two types of voice.
- Active voice.
- Passive voice.
Active voice :
• A verb is said to be within the active voice ones it is kind shows that the person or thing denoted by the subject does or something.
- They have sold their car.
- I know the answer.
- He bought some land and two dogs.
- She was written two letters.
- He has won a computer.
Passive voice :
• A verb is said to be within the passive voice ones it is the kind shows that one thing is done to the person or thing denoted by the subject.
- The old trees are being cut.
- He has never been beaten at tennis.
- Their car has been sold by them.
- The answer is known to me.
- Two letters have been written by her.