English, asked by ashfarlee10, 6 months ago

22) What are the types of articles? Explain when and where to use them ​


Answered by prevanth1507


Articles are words that define a noun.

Like an adjective, they also modify the noun. While adjectives modify nouns through description and articles are used only for pointing out nouns.

Answered by kashelikive


a,an, the


we use a before a countable in the singular number beginning with a consonant sound .

Eg. a book

we use an before a countable in the singular number beginning with a vowel sound like a,e,i,o,u.

Eg. an ant

we use the before a noun when we want to make it particular like:I have read the book you are talking of . We also use the with superlatives. Eg. the sweetest song, the best class .

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