22)Which of the following creates a 1 point
List of 3 visible items and multiple
selections abled?
Consider an agent that controls the traffic lights at a 4-way intersection (where 2 roads cross, with traffic flowing in all directions). The lights have green/yellow/red main lights plus a left-turn arrow and a pedestrian indicator. The agent controls which lights go on and how long they stay on. Assume the intersection has signals for pedestrians and in-pavement detectors right before the crosswalk for cars and bikes.
PEAS Description:
• Performance: answers could include safety (number of accidents at the intersection) and minimizing average wait time (e.g. per car, bike, pedestrian)
• Environment: roads, cars, pedestrians, etc.
• Actuators: the traffic lights: green/yellow/red/arrow/walk/don’t-walk in each of the 4 directions
• Sensors: in-pavement traffic detectors (bike and car), pedestrian signal buttons
Design Rule based rational agent for the implementation of the given scenarioConsider an agent that controls the traffic lights at a 4-way intersection (where 2 roads cross, with traffic flowing in all directions). The lights have green/yellow/red main lights plus a left-turn arrow and a pedestrian indicator. The agent controls which lights go on and how long they stay on. Assume the intersection has signals for pedestrians and in-pavement detectors right before the crosswalk for cars and bikes.
PEAS Description:
• Performance: answers could include safety (number of accidents at the intersection) and minimizing average wait time (e.g. per car, bike, pedestrian)
• Environment: roads, cars, pedestrians, etc.
• Actuators: the traffic lights: green/yellow/red/arrow/walk/don’t-walk in each of the 4 directions
• Sensors: in-pavement traffic detectors (bike and car), pedestrian signal buttons
Design Rule based rational agent for the implementation of the given scenarioConsider an agent that controls the traffic lights at a 4-way intersection (where 2 roads cross, with traffic flowing in all directions). The lights have green/yellow/red main lights plus a left-turn arrow and a pedestrian indicator. The agent controls which lights go on and how long they stay on. Assume the intersection has signals for pedestrians and in-pavement detectors right before the crosswalk for cars and bikes.
PEAS Description:
• Performance: answers could include safety (number of accidents at the intersection) and minimizing average wait time (e.g. per car, bike, pedestrian)
• Environment: roads, cars, pedestrians, etc.
• Actuators: the traffic lights: green/yellow/red/arrow/walk/don’t-walk in each of the 4 directions
• Sensors: in-pavement traffic detectors (bike and car), pedestrian signal buttons
Design Rule based rational agent for the implementation of the given scenario