Accountancy, asked by smruti4186, 1 month ago

22. X Co. Ltd. invited applications for 20,000 of its Equity Shares of * 10 each at a premium of 7 2
per share, payable 3 on application, * 7 on allotment including premium and the balance on
first and final call.
Applications for 25,000 shares were received. It was decided : (a) to refuse allotment to the
applicants for 1,000 shares ; (b) to allot in full to applicants for 4,000 shares ; (c) to allot the
balance of the available shares pro-rata among the other applicants, and (d) to utilise excess
application moneys in part payment of allotment moneys.
Mr. X holding 200 shares to whom shares had been allotted on pro-rata basis failed to pay
the amount due on allotment and call and Mr. Y holding 100 shares to whom full allotment was
made failed to pay the amount due on call only. These shares were forfeited.
160 forfeited shares of Mr. X and 40 forfeited shares of Mr. Y were reissued at a discount of
* 1 per share to Mr. Z.
Show the necessary Journal Entries including cash in the books of X Co. Ltd.
Ans. R 720 transferred to Capital​


Answered by Anonymous


(Both Classes of Shares/Cash Book) Y Ltd. was formed with an authorised capital

* 40,00.000 divided into 3,00,000 equity shares of 10 each and 10,000 Preference shares

* 100 each. Both classes of shares were issued to the public in full and they are to be pa

Preference shar


Equity shares


20 percent


30 percent

First call

50 percent

Second call

All the calls were made and in due course the money were received in full. Give

necessary journal entries and prepare Cash Book.

25 perc

25 perc

25 perc

25 perc

Answered by mattibhanutejasree33

Amount transferred to Capital A/c is Rs. 720

Explanation:                  JOURNAL ENTRIES

Bank A/c (25,000*3)                                  Dr      75,000

  To Equity Share Application A/c                                                   75,000

(Being Application amount received on 25,000 shares)

Equity Share Application A/c                    Dr      75,000

  To Equity share Capital A/c(20,000*3)                                        60,000

  To Equity share Allotment A/c                                                      12,000

  To Bank A/c(1,000*3)                                                                       3,000

(Being Application amount on issued shares i.e., 20,000 shares transferred to capital A/c and application on 1000 shares refunded and remaining excess amount on application on 4,000 shares adjusted to allotment)

Equity Share Allotment A/c(20,000*7)     Dr     1,40,000

 To Equity Share Capital A/c(20,000*5)                                      1,00,000

 To Securities Premium A/c(20,000*2)                                           40,000

Bank A/c (1,40,000-12,000-1,250)            Dr     1,26,750

 To Equity share Allotment A/c                                                     1,26,750

Equity Share call A/c  (20,000*2)               Dr         40,000

 To Equity share Capital A/c                                                              40,000

Bank A/c   (40,000-[200*2+100*2])            Dr         39,400

 To Equity Share Call A/c                                                                   39,400

Equity Share Capital A/c (300*10)              Dr           3,000

Securities Premium A/c (200*2)                  Dr              400

 To Equity Share Allotment A/c [w.N.1]                                                1,250

 To Equity Share call A/c (300*2)                                                            600

 To Equity Share Forfeiture A/c                                                            1,550

Bank A/c (160*9+40*9)                                  Dr           1,800

Equity Share Forfeiture A/c (160*1+40*1)    Dr              200

 To Equity Share Capital A/c                                                                 2,000

Equity Share Forfeiture A/c                           Dr              720

 To Capital Reserve A/c                                                                              720


Here Mr. X was holding 200 shares so guess how many shares he would have applied for?

Applications received on shares = 25,000    Shares issued = 20,000

Completely Allotted shares          =  (4,000)   Allotted           =   (4,000)

Shares refunded                            =  (1,000)   Remaining      =   16,000

Remaining shares                          =20,000

Therefore,  for 20,000 shares ----------------  16,000 share are allotted

                               x     shares ----------------      200 shares are allotted

        *.* Mr. X applied for 250 shares but, got 200 shares

Application amount received on Mr. X shares(250*3)     =   750

Application amount required on allotted shares(200*3) =  (600)

Excess amount on application                                           =  150

Amount on allotment (200*7) due                                     =1,400  

Excess amount adjusted                                                    =  (150)

Amount due on allotment                                                  =1,250

W.N.2 : Amount transferred to Capital reserve

Forfeiture amount for 200 shares = 150(excess on application [50*3]) + 600

                                                        = 750

Forfeiture amount For 200 shares ------------------------ 750

                                     160 shares ------------------------    X

                                                             X = 600

Forfeiture amount for 100 shares = 1,550(total forfeiture amount on 300 shares - 750 ( forfeiture amount on 200 shares)

                                                        = 800 ( 100*3 + 100 *5)

Forfeiture amount on 100 shares ----------------------------- 800

                                      40 shares -----------------------------  Y

                                                                 Y = 320

Forfeiture amount on 160 shares = 600

loss on re-issue on discount         = (160) [160*1]

profit on re-issue                            = 440

Forfeiture amount on 40 shares   = 320

loss on re-issue                              =  (40) [40*1]

profit on re-issue                            = 280

         *.* Total profit on re-issue = 440+280

                                                     = 720


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