. 23) Deriv
e an expression for maximum work.
⬆️2 ⬆️3 ⬆️1
Consider n moles of an ideal gas enclosed in an ideal cylinder fitted with a massless and frictionless movable rigid piston. Let V be the volume of the gas at a pressure P and a temperature T.
If in an infinitesimal change pressure changes from P to P – dP and volume increases from V to V + dV. Then the work obtained is, dW = - (P-dP) dV
= -PdV + dPdV
Since dP.dV is negligibly small relative to PdV
dW = -PdV
Let the state of the system change from A(P1, L1) to B (P2, V2) isothermally and reversibly, at temperature T involving number of infinitesimal steps.
A -> B (Upon T) A(P1,V1) , B (P2,V2)
Then the total work or maximum work in the process is obtained by integrating above equation.
At constant temperature,
where n, P, V and T represent number of moles, pressure, volume and temperature respectively. For the process,
ΔU = 0, ΔH = 0.
The heat absorbed in reversible manner Qrev, is completely converted into work.
Qrev = -Wmax.
Hence work obtained is maximum.