Physics, asked by saumyajbp08, 2 months ago

23. Obtain an expression for the orbital velocity of a satellite and time period of a site
orbiting at height above the surface of the earth


Answered by TheValkyrie




  • A satellite orbiting at a height above the surface of earth

To Find:

  • An expression for the orbital velocity of satellite
  • An expression for the time period of the satellite


Orbital velocity/Speed:

Let us assume the earth as a perfect sphere.

Let M be the mass of the earth and R be the radius.

Let a satellite of mass m revolve around earth with a velocity v₀ in a orbit of radius R and a height of h from the surface of earth

                                \setlength{\unitlength}{1cm}\begin{picture}(0,0)\thicklines\qbezier(2.3,0)(2.121,2.121)(0,2.3)\qbezier(-2.3,0)(-2.121,2.121)(0,2.3)\qbezier(-2.3,0)(-2.121,-2.121)(0,-2.3)\qbezier(2.3,0)(2.121,-2.121)(0,-2.3)\qbezier(1.2,0)(1.121,1.121)(0,1.2)\qbezier(1.2,0)(1.121,-1.121)(0,-1.2)\qbezier(0,-1.2)(-1.121,-1.121)(-1.2,0)\qbezier(-1.2,0)(-1.121,1.121)(0,1.2)\put(0,0){\vector(-1,0){2.3}}\put(0,0){\vector(0,1){1.2}}\put(-1.9,0.2){$ r$}\put(0.2,0.3){$\bf R$}\put(1.2,0){\line(1,0){1.1}}\put(1.5,0.2){h}\end{picture}

The centripetal force acting on the satellite is given by,

\sf F=\dfrac{m(v_0)^{2} }{r}----(1)

Also centripetal force is provided by the force of attraction between the earth and satellite which is given by,

\sf F =\dfrac{GMm}{r^{2} } ----(2)

Both the forces are equal, hence from equation 1 and 2,

\sf \dfrac{m(v_0)^{2} }{r} =\dfrac{GMm}{r^{2} }

Cancelling m and r on both sides,

\sf (v_0)^{2} =\dfrac{GM}{r}

\boxed{\sf v_0=\sqrt{\dfrac{GM}{r} }}

But from the figure we know that,

r = R + h


\sf v_0=\sqrt{\dfrac{GM}{R+h} }

We know that,

\sf g =\dfrac{GM}{R^{2} }

GM = gR²

Substituting in the above equation we get,

\sf v_0=\sqrt{\dfrac{gR^{2} }{R+h} }

\boxed{\sf v_0=R\times \sqrt{\dfrac{g}{R+h} } }

Time period:

Now to find the time period, we have to first find the angular velocity ω.

We know,

ω = v₀/r

Substituting we get,

\sf \omega = \sqrt{\dfrac{gR^{2} }{r} } \div r

\sf \omega = \dfrac{\sqrt{gR^{2} } }{r^{1/2}\times r }

\sf \omega = \dfrac{\sqrt{gR^{2} } }{r^{3/2}}

This is the expression for finding angular velocity of the satellite.

Now time period is given by,

T = 2π/ω

Substitute the data,

\boxed{\sf T=\dfrac{2\pi }{\sqrt{gR^{2} } } \times r^{3/2} }

Cosmique: Incredible! :fb-wow:
TheValkyrie: Thank you! :meow_blush:
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