Hindi, asked by singhharendra6744, 7 months ago

का संचार माध्यम किसे कहते है।​


Answered by beccaam1102


Communication medium refers to the physical channel through which data is sent and received. Data is sent in the form of voltage levels which make up the digital signal. A digital signal consists of 0s and 1s; essentially, a 1 corresponds to a high voltage, while a 0 corresponds to a low voltage.

The speed of data transmission or data rate depends upon the type of medium being used in the network. There are basically two types of networks:

Wired network

Wireless network

Wired Network

In a wired network, data is transmitted over a physical medium. There are three types of physical cables used in a wired network.

1.    Twisted Pair

It consists of a pair of copper wires twisted around each other; the wires are around 1 to 2 mm thick and they are twisted to reduce the interference from the surrounding wires. Remember that a current carrying wire has a magnetic field around it that can interfere with that of another wire when in close proximity.

Invented by Alexander Graham Bell, this form of wire has been in use since the 19th century and is currently the cheapest mediums available. Twisted pairs are also used in telephone wires, but they only consist of four wires or two pairs. In computer networks, eight wires or four pairs are utilized. This is also known as the Ethernet cable or RJ-45 cable. The pairs of wires are bundled together and covered by a protective shield.

2.    Coaxial Cable

Offering better data rates and less signal attenuation, a coaxial cable consist of a central copper conductor that is surrounded by a foil shield. The foil is covered by yet another shield known as a braided shield. Unlike twisted pairs, coaxial cables only have a single copper conductor. The conductor and the foil shield are separated by a dielectric.

3.    Fiber Optic

It is the most expensive of wired mediums and offers the highest rates of data transmission. They are often used in long distance communications and are never affected by any electromagnetic fields. This is because it involves light.

A fiber optic cable is a thin, flexible, transparent medium made of very fine glass or plastic fibers. It utilizes the principle of total internal reflection. Unlike twisted pairs or coaxial cables, a fiber optic uses light pulses generated by laser or an injection diode to transmit data. Each pulse of light represents a single bit of data.

Wireless Network

A wireless network uses radio waves as the sole medium for transmitting and receiving data. There are no wires involved. An example is the wireless router in your home. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves which are transverse in nature and they have the longest wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum.

They travel at the speed of light and have frequencies ranging from 3 kHz to 3 GHz. Radio waves can easily be absorbed by most materials and can bend around objects as well. However, they are susceptible to nearby electromagnetic fields which can cause losses in the data


Answered by rajansharma46


संचार माध्यम (Communication Medium) से आशय है | संदेश के प्रवाह में प्रयुक्त किए जाने वाले माध्यम। संचार माध्यमों के विकास के पीछे मुख्य कारण मानव की जिज्ञासु प्रवृत्ति का होना है। वर्तमान समय में संचार माध्यम और समाज में गहरा संबन्ध एवं निकटता है। इसके द्वारा जन सामान्य की रूचि एवं हितों को स्पष्ट किया जाता है। संचार माध्यमों ने ही सूचना को सर्वसुलभ कराया है। तकनीकी विकास से संचार माध्यम भी विकसित हुए हैं तथा इससे संचार अब ग्लोबल फेनोमेनो बन गया है।

संचार माध्यम, अंग्रेजी के "मीडिया" (मिडियम का बहुवचन) से बना है, जिसका अभिप्राय होता है दो बिंदुओं को जोड़ने वाला। संचार माध्यम ही संप्रेषक और श्रोता को परस्पर जोड़ते हैं। हेराल्ड लॉसवेल के अनुसार, संचार माध्यम के मुख्य कार्य सूचना संग्रह एवं प्रसार, सूचना विश्लेषण, सामाजिक मूल्य एवं ज्ञान का संप्रेषण तथा लोगों का मनोरंजन करना है।

संचार माध्यम का प्रभाव समाज में अनादिकाल से ही रहा है। परंपरागत एवं आधुनिक संचार माध्यम समाज की विकास प्रक्रिया से ही जुड़े हुए हैं। संचार माध्यम का श्रोता अथवा लक्ष्य समूह बिखरा होता है। इसके संदेश भी अस्थिर स्वभाव वाले होते हैं। फिर संचार माध्यम ही संचार प्रक्रिया को अंजाम तक पहुँचाते हैं।

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