25) There are five people Ajay, Bobby, Chintu , Dev , Elan .Below
are some information about these five people.
Ajay is older than bobby
Chintu is older than elan but older than dev
Dev is older than bobby
Elan is younger than ajay
Pls answer step by step
Ajay and Chintu, then elan, then dev, and then bobby
Step-by-step explanation:
ajay > bobby
chintu > elan
elan > dev
dev > bobby
ajay > elan
ajay is older than: bobby and elan
bobby is younger then: ajay and dev
chintu is older then: elan
dev is older then: bobby
dev is younger then: elan
elan is older then: dev
elan is younger then: chintu and ajay
chintu is older then dev
ajay is older then dev
elan is older then dev
bobby is younger then dev
ajay is older than: bobby, elan and dev
bobby is younger then: ajay, dev, chintu, and elan
chintu is older then: elan, dev, and bobby
dev is older then: bobby
dev is younger then: elan, chintu, and ajay
elan is older then: dev
elan is younger then: chintu and ajay
ajay is older then bobby, elan, and dev
elan is older then dev
ajay and chintu are the two oldest
(they could always be twins, or maybe they are just the same age)
chintu > elan
ajay > elan
(it's saying they both are older then the middle)
ajay is older than: bobby, elan and dev
chintu is older then: elan, dev, and bobby
elan is younger then: chintu and ajay
second oldest:
middle: elan
second youngest: dev
youngest: bobby