25 words with meaning and examples
1.Forum - a market place
2.Gong-a disk shaped bell
3.Ambient - encompassing on all sides
4.Bethel - a chapel
5.Cogent - powerful
6.Mourn - to regret
7.Pert - rude
8.Wadi- river Valley
9.Whirl- to turn rapidly
10.Tallish- rather tall
11.Swinish - disgusting
12.Quart - to draw back
13.Overt - open to view, public
14.Hitch - a ride or asking lift
15.Current - belonging to the present time.
16.Arcanum - a secret or mystery
17.Owlish - like an owl
18.Phobia - extreme fear
19.Sphere - ball, globe
20.Oppugn - to oppose
21.Effluent - liquid waste
22.Hark - to listen
23.Lackey - a male servant
24.Jaunt - tour or excursion
25.Drip - to fall in drop
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