Biology, asked by sophia57, 10 months ago

27. Give the chemical nature of nucleolus.
28. How many chromosomes does a human normal diploid cell has?
29. State the function of secondary constriction.
30. Of which substance is chromatin made?
31. Enlist components of nucleus.
32. Which stain is employed to study chromosomes?
33. Name the organism with minimal chromosomes number.
34. Why is nucleus called "director of cell”?
35.State one difference between euchromatin and heterochromatin.
36. Which cell organelle is well developed in secretory cells?
37. Why the lysosomes are called the "cleaners" of cell waste?
38. Why are the chloroplasts called "Kitchens of the cell”?
39. Why are the ribosomes called protein factories?
40. What is chemical nature of ribosomes?
41. Why is Golgi body called condensation membrane?


Answered by fairy231

nucleolus is the site in which ribosomes are produced

there are 23 pairs of chromosomes

chromatin is made up of DNA

harshitagarwal624: HELLo
Answered by ranjitkumar10271

37 . Because lysosomes contains powerful digestive enzyme. when lysosomes brust then whole cell Dead. so the lysosome called the the cleaners of the cell

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