28. कौन सा कार्बन यौगिक सबसे अधिक अभिक्रियाशील है?
(A) CH4
(C) C2H,
(B) C2H6
Which of the following carbon compound is the most reactive.
(D) C3Hs
(A) CH
(B) C2HIs
| (D) C3H8
29. निम्न में से कौन आहार श्रृंखला का निर्माण करता है?
(A) घास, गेहूँ तथा आम
(B) घास, बकरी तथा मानव
(C) बकरी, गाय तथा हाथी
(D) घास, मछली तथा बकरी
Which of the following constitutes a food chain?
(A) Grass, wheat and mango
(B) Grass, goat and human
(C) Goat, cow and elephant
| (D) Grass, fish and goat ।
30. कौन अंतः स्त्रावी और बाह्य स्त्रावी ग्रंथि जैसा कार्य नहीं करता है?
(A) अग्नाशय
(B) पीयूष ग्रंथि
(C) अंडाशय
(D) वृषण ।
Which among these do not act as an endocrine gland as well as an exocrine gland?
(A) Pancreas
Pituitary gland
(C) Ovary
(D) Testes
31. निम्न में से उत्तम ऊर्जा स्त्रोत कौन सा है?
(A) कोयला
(D) बायोमास
Which of the following is an ideal source of energy?
(A) Coal
(C) Petroleum
केले का चिल्का
इनमें से सभी ।
32. कौन सा अजैव निम्नीकरणीय कचरा है?
(A) टिशू पेपर
(C) थर्मोकोल
Which is a non-biodegradable waste?
(A) Tissue paper
(C) Thermocol
Peel of banana
All of these
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28 ka question ka answer bbb
The answers to the questions are as follows:
28. C2H4 is the most reactive carbon compound. (Option C)
This is because it is an unsaturated hydrocarbon that is more reactive than saturated hydrocarbons. This is due to the pi bond.
29. Grass, goat, human constitutes a food chain. (Option B)
A food chain is a network of organisms starting from producers, followed by herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.
30. Pituitary gland does not act as an endocrine or an exocrine gland. (Option B)
Exocrine glands release hormones through a duct and Endocrine glands, directly into the blood. Pancreas, Ovary, and Testes are partly both.
31. Bio-mass is an ideal source of energy. (Option D)
An ideal source is eco-friendly, produces enough energy. Coal, Wood, and Petroleum cause pollution.
32. Thermocol is a non-biodegradable waste. (Option C)
Tissue paper, banana peel are biodegradable. Thermocol is not made of organic substances and is non-biodegradable.