28. Passage based questions
In India, Early stone seals were stamped. Is Mesopotamia until the end of the first MBCE Cedric
stone seals, Plerced down the center, Were fitted with a stick and rolled over wat clay so that comes
was created. They were carved by very skilled Craftsman and sometimes carry writimp. The name of the
owner. His God, his official position, etc. A seal could be rolled on clay, covering the stree, Kod of clothed
or the mouth of a pot. Keeping the. Content safe. When rolled on a letter written on a day tablet them
of Authenticity.so the seal was the mark of a city dweller's role in public life.
Which type of material was used to make seals?
What were the various types of seak?
Who carved these seals ? Write a few features of these seals?
Doctor Gallant on how Roman cities treated the country lide
The famine prevalent for many successive years in many provinces bas clearly displayed for
understanding the effect of malnutrition. In generating illness. The city dweilers, as it was their custom
collect any store enough grain for the whole of the next year. Immediately after the harvest, earned off the
wheat, barley.beans and lentils and left to the peasant various dind of pulses after taking quite a large
proportion of these to the city. After consuming what was left in the course of the water, the comtry peeple
had to resort to unhealthy foods in the spring they ate Twigs and shoots of trees and bushes and bulbs and
roots of inedible plants....
What did the city dwellers do?
What does the given passage depict?
How was ancient Roman society divided?
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