Computer Science, asked by ninawaturvish23, 5 months ago

28. Sumit writes the following commands with respect to a table STU having fields, STUNO, SNAME, SCLASS, SMARKS 2

Command 1 : SELECT COUNT(*) from STU;

Command 2 : SELECT COUNT(marks) from STU ;

He gets the output as 6 and 5 respectively. Explain the output with justification.??????​
pls help


Answered by divyanshirajpoot


A. select, group by, where, having

B. select, where, group by, having

C. select, where, having, group byselect, having, where, group by

D. select, having, where, group by

Solution: B

“Where” always comes before “group by” and “having” always comes after “group by”.

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