Which of the following statements is/are true
about an armass?
It is a large body of air having more
or less uniform physical properties
especially temperature, moisture
content and lapse rate.
The boundary between two alr
masses is called front.
An air mass is always formed over
oceanic surface only
1 only
1 & 3 only
18 2 only
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Air mass is a large body of air, whose physical properties viz temperature, moisture and lapse rate remains horizontally constant for thousand of kilo-meters. Air masses have very little vertical gradient of temperature and moisture.
Air masses get formed when a body of air presides over a uniform and homogeneous surface for sufficently long time,
Air masses refers to long body of air which are similar in terms of temperature, moisture etc. They present very less gradient between them and may extend from few kilometer to hundread of kilometer.
They are classified on basis of origin, temperature, underlying surface etc.
c denote continental,
P Denote polar
m stands for maritime
k stands for cold
w for warm
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