29. State the various functions that a political parties perform in democracy.
Functions of PP:
(PP: Political parties ツ)
These parties are made to take part in elections, occupy the political offices (as in parliament) and to exercise political power. Let's see in detail.
1) Contesting elections: One of the most important function of PP is to contest elections where they have to choose their leader for the elections.
2) Policies: To please the needs of the people (citizens), they put forward many policies and programs which they promise to fulfill after getting political power.
3) Formation of government: They form the government of the country. The various leaders chosen were now considered as the ministers and they start making laws who favour the people of the nation.
4) Opposition: The parties with second highest majority plays the role of opposition which oppose the ruling party. Sometimes coalition govt. also forms
5) Favouring Public opinion: They regard the opinions and raise them in the legislature where different laws are made. Activists spread awareness also.
- Making law.
- Providing access to government machinery etc.
Required Answer :-
A Political Party is an party which help the country to progess and development. An election is done for selecting a good political party. Those who got most votes in the election, they become the winner. They rule the country.
Function are :-
- Choosing a good leader :- When a political party want to win election they must choose a good candidate. A good candidate make more chances to win.
- Party Manifesto :- In an election all political parties make a party manifesto. It is a type of picture which is pasted on the wall.
- Policies :- All political party make a policy to run the country. They tell the policy in their speech before election.
- Opposition :- There are many political parties so some of them are Opposition in each other. Example :- BJP and CONGRESS are Opposition.