Biology, asked by sandupinku, 5 months ago

290 individuals on an island. if number of individuals for a particular gene is 100AA 150Aa and 40aa what is the frequency of occurrence of allele of that gene?​


Answered by rubinyun80


we can calculate it by using HARDY WEINBERG PRINCIPLE.

Explanation: In a diploid cell,

  • p represent frequency of allele A
  • q represent frequency of allele a
  • the freq of AA individuals in a population is p².

( the probability that an allele A with a freq of p appears on both the chromosomes of a diploid individual is the product of the probabilities i.e p² )

  • similarly of aa is q² and of Aa is 2pq.
  • p² + 2pq + q² = 1

100 Individuals have AA alleles, so each individual has 2 A alleles. therefore the no. of allele A is 200.

150 individuals has Aa alleles which means 150 A allele and 150a allele.

similariliy 40 individuals has aa alleles which means 80 a alleles.

So among the total population of 290, no. of A allele is 350 and no. of a allele is 230.

TO calculate the allele frequency simple divide it by total no. of alleles.

i.e. for A allele freq. = 350/ 580 = 0.60344

for a allele freq. = 230/580 = 0.39655

hope you get the answer . thank you.

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