English, asked by vishnudlechand, 5 months ago

Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY TWO of the three given by
answering the questions that follow.
(A) I had never listened so carefully, and that he had never explained
everything with so much patience. It seemed almost as if the poor man
wanted to give us all he knew before going away, and to put it all into
our heads at one stroke.
1) T' in the first sentence refers to
a) Mr M Hamel. b) Franz.
c) Hauser
None of them
He had never explained everything so carefully because
a) He himself remained busy in fishing.
b) He found children engaged in errands.
c) He never felt so passionate to teach before this.
d) All the above.
He has been referred as a poor man because
a) It was his last lesson.
He was poor
He had to teach all subjects.
d) He was in great dread of being scolded.
into our heads at one stroke.” Here at one stroke means
a) An act of hitting
A single action having an immediate effect.
c) A mark made by a paint brush.
A sudden change in the blood supply to a part of the


Answered by AreenKapoor


Environment Day Celebrations

Nagpur, June 7 World Environment Day was celebrated in New Era School with great fanfare

on June 5. The main purpose of the celebration was to spread awareness about the need to

protect the environment and the ways to do it.

The day was flagged off by a tree plantation drive in the locality. 300 quick-growing trees,

which do not need much water on a daily basis, were planted near the school wall and in the

surrounding area. An eminent environmentalist, Mr. A.T. All spoke on the ways to protect the

environment. He also judged the Posters and Photographs' exhibition and gave away prizes

for the best entries Environmentally-friendly articles like disposable plates and cups made

from bamboo and banana stem, bags made from leaf waste, etc. were on sale. Students

gave continuous powerpoint presentations on the threats to the environment. Last but not

the least, was the spirited debate on the topic Man: The worst enemy of the Environment'.

All in all the day was a great success, and has certainly made a difference to the way we view

our environment

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