English, asked by anju2484, 9 months ago

4. What did Tenali say that made Babur give him the third bag of gold?
Thin and answer.please answer fast​


Answered by ahanatitli24

Answer:Tenali Raman was an intelligent funny man and his

intelligence had reached to the court of Babur. Babur

wished to meet him so he sent a messanger to the

king of vijaynagar .The king feared and he thought

that Babur had sent his messenger to find an excuse

to attack his kingdom but when the king knew that

Babur wants to meet him in Delhi court he agreed.

Remember the honour of our

kingdom is now in your hand. If you impress Babur

and get a reward from him I promise you to gift you

ten thousand gold coins. The next day Tenali reached

the court of Babur but Babur instructed all his

ministers not to laugh over any funny act of Tenali

other wise you will be punished.

In Babur’s court Tenali tried many funny acts but

none of them smiled. Fifteen days passed but no one  

laughed. Tenali Raman understood that some thing

was wrong and defeats means losing prestige or

honour for Vijaynagar. So he thought a plan.

Babur every morning used to walk with his two

ministers. One morning on the way Tenali changed his

face as an old man. When Babur comes near he

started planting a mango sapling.He began to dig the


Babur surprised to see an old man planting a mango

saplings. He said you are quite old and you won't be

alive to eat this fruit. The old man said I enjoyed the

fruit of the tree planted by my father and this tree

will serve for those who live after me.

Babur said I like your idea. You are a kind man who

cares for others. He rewarded some coins to old

man.Accepting the gold coins old man said people get

fruit many years after planting the tree but got it

immediately. Babur again became happy by old man’s

remarks and gave him another bag of coins. Old man

again said when this tree will mature bear fruit only

once a year but you have rewarded me twice. Babur

became again happy to listen the words of old man

and said again to you deserve a reward. Tenali

received a third bag of coins.  

One of his minister said to Babur this old man appears

to be quite wise.let us move ahead other wise you

will get your treasary empty here. Babur smiled and

began to ride.then the old man said Huzzor identify

me once again and Tenali changed his original picture

and said I am Tenali Raman.

Babur understood Tenali fooled him and started

laughing. Babur was very happy to the wisdom of

Tenali and took him in palace and showered him with

gifts. Tenali returned to vijaynagar and became even

dearer to king's heart.

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