English, asked by Aatfa132, 9 months ago

3-5min speech for asl on secret of happiness fear and egotism is a fault of mankind


Answered by snehaguptatanu2402

Happiness Is a State of Mind

People often think happiness is based on what you achieve and acquire. My whole life would improve if I had a new car...

I just need a better job and then I can relax and be happy...

If only I met the right girl...

You get the car and what happens? For a whole week you're walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy.

Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating.

Happiness is not a happening; it's a state of mind. You can have everything in the world and still be miserable. Or you can have relatively little and feel unbounded joy.

As the Talmud says, "Who is rich? The one who appreciates what he has"

That's why the morning prayers begin with a series of blessings thanking God for the simple and obvious:

Thank you, God, for giving me life Thank God I can see, that I can use my hands and feet, that I can think.

Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating and consciously enjoying what you already have.                                               I have fears. You have fears. We ALL have fears. Nobody is perfect, and we are all flawed individuals. And that’s OK. What’s not OK, is to allow your flaws and your fears to prevent you from doing what you enjoy or becoming the person you want to be. We all have fears. For most, it is the fear of failure. And for most of those people, the fear of failing prevents them from starting. And that’s a shame.Remember we all have fears. Humans, like all animals are hardwired with survival instincts. We call it fight-or-flight. Some goo-roos try to convince you that fear is not real. They say it is False Evidence Appearing Real. I say that’s Bull$h!t. Fear is as real as the ground under your feet. And there is no better motivator than fear. IF you know how to use it…

I completely agree with you. Egoism is truly a fault of mankind.

It is a situation where a person is completely absorbed in oneself. They tend to forget the existence of others and often display an arrogant and ignorant nature. For example, consider that there are two friends, A and B. A and B have a fight and both of them stop talking to each other. In such a situation, if both A and B do not want to apologize, then an atmosphere of egotism is created. Slowly, due to the lack of communication, the friendship between the two diminishes and they forget each other. Thus we can conclude that egotism is a fault of humankind as overpowered by it, we forget our loved ones, even the great Lord Mahavira and Lord Buddha said so. They taught us to shun egotism and preach nirvana. Thus, we should all follow their advice, shun egotism and embrace our brothers.

Hope you understand!

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