A teacher ceases to learn, also
ceases to a teacher. The willingness
in a teacher to learn is makes
him/her competent teacher. A teacher
is a friend, philosopher and a guide
to all students his/her care.
It only fitting that we have a day
dedicated those teachers who have
made a difference to lives.
find the ommission in above paragraph.
A teacher who 'ceases to learn also 'ceases to be a teacher'. The 'willingness in a teacher to learn' is what makes him/her a competent teacher. A 'teacher is a friend', philosopher, and a guide to all students under his/her care. It is only fitting that we have a day dedicated to those teachers who have made a difference in our lives.
In the above passage, certain words have been omitted. Based on the sentence the words have been added to make the passage a correct one.
A teacher who 'ceases to learn also 'ceases to be a teacher'. The 'willingness in a teacher to learn' is what makes him/her a competent teacher. A 'teacher is a friend', philosopher, and a guide to all students under his/her care. It is only fitting that we have a day dedicated to those teachers who have made a difference in our lives.
In the above passage, certain words have been omitted. Based on the sentence the words have been added to make the passage a correct one.