Accountancy, asked by tarunthakur8153, 6 months ago

3. As generally used in accounting, what is depreciation?
(a) It is a process of asset (b) It applies to only valuation for balance long-lived intangible
sheet purposes assets
(c)It is used to indicate(d) It is an accouting
a decline in market process which allocates
value of a long-lived long-lived asset cost
Asset to accounting periods
8. If sale on an accrual basis are Rs 5,00,000/- and accounts recievable increased by Rs 30,000/-, thecash received from customers would be………..
(a) Rs 5,00,000/- (b) Rs 4,70,000/-
manageranager (c) Rs 5,30,000/-(d) cannot be determined


Answered by gaurang1718


3. (d)

8. (c)

sorry I am not sure in 8 question

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