Science, asked by chandrargs15, 6 months ago

3. Assertion: Amoeba is an omnivore organism.
Reason: Lion is a carnivore organism.​


Answered by sajal09


Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion..

Answered by nidhighosh06sl


Both assertion and reasons are correct but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.


Assertion: Amoeba is an omnivore organism

  • yes, the amoeba is a unicellular organism that has a special ability to change its shape.
  • these omnivore organisms are found in water bodies such as ponds, lakes, and in slow-moving rivers.
  • Amoebas are single-celled microbes or organism that "crawls".
  • The mode of nutrition is Holozoic in the case of amoeba.

Reason: Lion is a carnivore organism.​

  • yes, the lion is a carnivore organism that feeds on the second part of food chain for living,
  • Carnivore organisms are called meat eaters because they eat or feed on the flesh of other animals.

here, both assertion and reasons are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion because in reason it is not explaining why amoeba is an omnivore organism.


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