Attempt a summary of the following (with a title):
Disability is an important public health problem especially in developing
countries like India. The issues are different in developed and developing
countries, and rehabilitation measures should be targeted according to the needs
of the disabled with community participation. In India, a majority of the disabled
resides in rural areas where accessibility, availability, and utilization of
rehabilitation services and its cost-effectiveness are the major issues to be
considered. Over the last few years, the disability rights movement has been
instrumental in effecting inclusive laws, which have proven to be hard-foughr
victories. Yet the rights-basa
of another cause
that of dismantling existin
policy and public
discourse. Disability in India remains about the able-bodied. Why? As per the
country's latest statistics, an estimasy Xiaomf the Indian population has a
disability, a humbling figure of over 26 million people. A person can face
disability - intellectually and physically - at any point in their life from medical
complications or life-altering events. Experts agree that a singular, universally
accepted definition of disability does not exist. Even as a set of symptoms can be
clustered medically, it is highly likely that each person's need would differ from
that of another with the same medical condition. Definitions on what consacures
Answered by
(i).Disability is an important public health problem especially in developing
countries like India
ii.Over the last few years, the disability rights movement has been
instrumental in effecting inclusive laws, which have proven to be hard-foughr
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