English, asked by adityakumar37790, 2 months ago

3.Bees are insects. Bees are special insects because they can fly! They can move through the air like an airplane! Bees can fly because they have wings. They use their wings to fly. Bees can fly fast. Bees can also fly slow. They can fly up and they can fly down. They need to fly to get to the flowers! Bees can have three colors. They can be yellow, red, and orange. All bees are black in some places. Bees have three main parts. They have a head. They have a body. And, they have a stinger. The stinger is used to defend against enemies. They also have six legs. They use their legs to stand and climb. They also use their legs to eat and collect pollen. Bees live in many places. They live in Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America. The only continent that bees do not live on is Antarctica! I understand why they don’t live in Antarctica. It’s too cold! Most of the time, bees are nice to humans. If you do not bother them, they will not bother you. Have fun watching the bees this summer!
1.What are bees?
2.How do bees fly?
3.6.How many legs do bees have?
4.What is the stinger used for?
5.Where do bees live


Answered by jhapratyush0809



1. Bees are insects

2. Bees can fly because they have wings

3. Bees have six legs

4. The stinger is used to defend against enemies

5. Bees live in many places. They live in Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America. The only continent that bees do not live on is Antarctica! I understand why they don’t live in Antarctica

Please kindly mark brainliest!

Answered by khushbumahak


1.Bees are special insects because they can fly.

2.Bees can fly because they have wings.

3.Bees have 6 legs.

4.Stinger is used to defend the enemies.

5.Bees live in all continents ( Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North America, South America) except Antarctica

mark me as brainliest.

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