3. Before the agriculture revolution, the English countryside
A. had wide open fields and common land for the villagers
B. had enclosed lands and no common land for the villagers
C. had common land which the villagers used by paying
D. both A and C
B is the answer
Only prosperous landowners could afford trying new methods & crops Rich landowners therefore “enclosed” the land and got Parliament to give them title to the commons that in the past were open to all Land Enclosure
8. Enclosure meant that the common land and the three fields were reorganized and redistributed. A farmer’s land was now all in one area and he could enclose his fields with fences and hedges. Each farmer could choose which crops to grow, try new crops and ideas and control selective breeding. Farming became more efficient and more productive. What were the benefits of enclosure? By 1700, only about half of the farmland in England still used the Open- Field System. The rest had been enclosed by acts of parliament.Enclosure increased the efficiency of farming in England, but it wasn’t good news for everyone who lived in the countryside. How might this have made life more difficult for some villagers? Many poorer people relied on common land to supplement their tiny incomes