English, asked by bhullarnishan37, 2 months ago

3. Change the following imperatives to reported speech.
2. "Get out of the class," Miss Simons shouted.
b. The examiner said, “Revise your answers properly before handing over the papers."
c. The station master said, “I would get the travel insurance, if I were you."
d. The officer said, "Please sit down."
e. The customer said, "Get the menu for me."​


Answered by shoryachauhan93




10 h)


misuse of mobile phone.

Besides, it i) — still some drawbacks in disguise. Scientists have

recently discovered that mobile phone j) — cancer to the users.

Change the narrative style of the following text.

"Where are you going?" said the merchant. "I was coming to see

you, Sir." "Why? "To earn my bread by the labour of my hands."

"Do you really want work?" said the merchant."Yes, if you have

ny." "Ok, follow me and carry a box from a shop to my house." "I

o not see how I can do that," said the youth.

Change the sentences according to directions:

1 x 10 = 10

1) All is well. (Complex)

:) It should be solved. (Active)

She is not as ugly as you said. (Comparative)

) Very few women are ugly as you as you assaid. (Superlative)

It is nothing but a false idea. (Interrogative)

Everybody depends on it. (Negative)

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