3. Choose the correct option.
a. The Break Apart option is available on clicking the ......
iv. None of these
i. Modify
ii. Edit
b. You can apply Timeline Effects to a
iv. All of these
1. Drawing object ii. Picture
c. Fade in, Fade Out and Explode are examples of
iv. None of these
i. Timeline Effects ii. Break Apart
ili. Text options
d. The keyboard shortcut to break apart a grouped object is
i. Ctrl + G
iv. None of these
ii. Ctrl + B
iii. Shift + B
e. When you draw an object, Flash creates which of the following objects?
i. Outline
ii. Fill
iii. Both i. and ii.
iv. None of these
f. To change the transparency, in the Property inspector, click the drop-down menu arrow of the
Color option and choose
i. Alpha
ii. Tint
iii. Color
iv. None of these
g. The Free Transform Tool can be used for which of the following purposes?
i. Move
ii. Rotate
iii. Scale
iv. All of these
h. The Import option is available in the ....
i. File
ii. Modify
iii. View
iv. None of these
Flash Environment and Tools-2
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Multiple Choice Questions and Answers :-
1. This area is much like a theatre stage. The white area displays what will be shown on the screen This area is much like a theatre stage. The white area displays what will be shown on the screen
A. Dashboard
B. Flash Stage (Correct Answer)
C. Tools Palette
D. Layers Panel
Ans: B
2. This area in Flash is similar to the clipboard in Microsoft Office applications.
A. Dashboard
B. Layers Panel
C. Library Panel (Correct Answer)
D. Property Inspector
Ans: C
3. This is like a comic strip that shows the important parts of a story.
A. Timeline
B. Photo Story
C. Comic book
D. Storyboard (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
4. What part of the menu bar allows you to hide/unhide panels?
A. View
B. Edit
C. Window (Correct Answer)
D. None of the above
Ans: C
5. What does the abbreviation, FPS means?
A. Flick Per Scene
B. Frames Per Second (Correct Answer)
C. Frames Per Scene
D. Flick Per Second
Ans: B
6. This ideals with the rotation and movement of the object from one point to another in specific frames.
A. Tweening (Correct Answer)
B. Shape Tween
C. Motion Tween
D. Transition
Ans: A
7. The step in production is performed to add more detailed to your scene.
A. Improvement of design
B. Action Scripting (Correct Answer)
C. Polishing
D. Create a storyboard
Ans: B
8. To start Adobe Flash, Click on Start>______>Adobe Flash
A. Adobe Collection
B. All Programs (Correct Answer)
C. Run
D. Open
Ans: B
9. This action allows you to save the object in the library panel for future use.
A. Importing
B. Exporting
C. Convert to text
D. Convert to Symbol (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
10. It allows you to insert text within your flash stage.
A. Text Box
B. Text Tool (Correct Answer)
D. Key frames
Ans: B
11. By default, this panel is located below the flash environment.
A. Library Panel
B. Property Inspector Panel
C. Layers Panel (Correct Answer)
D. All of the above
Ans: C
12. This view that is similar to the old interface of flash and is perfect for old Flash users.
A. Debug View
B. Classic View (Correct Answer)
C. Twining
D. Transition View
Ans: B
13. This is the shortcut key for adding a key frame.
A. .FLA (Correct Answer)
B. .Doc File
C. .FLV File
D. .ASF File
Ans: A
14. The last step in production. It is done to verify if you have met the goals of the project.
A. Brainstorming
B. Refining (Correct Answer)
C. Action Scripting
D. Adding sound
Ans: B
15. These are frames that are signaficant. It is the basis for tweened animation.
A. Keyframes (Correct Answer)
B. Special Frames
C. Master Frame
D. None of the above
Ans: A
16. This type of drawing is a grouped shape; it has a rectangular surrounding in it when selected.
A. Merge Drawing
B. Flash Tool
C. Oval Tool
D. Object Drawing (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
17. This area in Flash is similar to the clipboard in Microsoft Office applications.
A. Merge Drawing (Correct Answer)
B. Flash Tool
C. Oval Tool
D. Object Drawing
Ans: A
18. The tool that creates a rectangle, which you can customize the sides.
A. Rectangle tool
B. Square tool
C. Rectangle primitive tool (Correct Answer)
D. Oval tool
Ans: C
19. The tool that allows you to create a polygon and a star.
A. StarPoly tool
B. PolyStar (Correct Answer)
C. Custom shape tool
D. . Polygon tool
Ans: B
20. The two ways to draw fills in a drawing?
A. Ink and Pencil
B. Brush and Spray (Correct Answer)
C. Oval and Shape
D. Fill and Autofill
Ans: B
21. The brush option that paints behind the object on the stage.
A. Paint Inside
B. Paint Selection
C. Paint Behind (Correct Answer)
D. Paint Normal
Ans: C
22. A powerful tool in flash that allows you to have greater control when creating
A. Powerline
B. Line Tool
C. Powertool
D. Pen Tool (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
23. This tools allows you to scale, rotate and skew objects in the flash stage.
A. Merge Tool
B. Free Convert Tool
C. Free Transform tool (Correct Answer)
D. Object tool
Ans: C
24. The Windows> Align> Entire Stage makes the ____________.
A. object align with another object
B. object fill the entire stage (Correct Answer)
C. object fill another object
D. object fill the entire screen
Ans: B
25. This tool allows you to modify the gradient in three ways.
A. Merge Drawing
B. Flash Tool
C. Gradient Transform Tool (Correct Answer)
D. Object Drawing
Ans: C
26. To make an object transparent, the ______ should be set in the Property Inspector panel.
A. Alpha Value Settings (Correct Answer)
B. Transparency Settings
C. Color Settings
D. Object Settings
Ans: A
27. This tool is useful when you are zoomed in and need to move around an area in your artwork.
A. Merge Tool
B. move Tool
C. Hand Tool (Correct Answer)
D. Zoom Tool
Ans: C
28. This tool allows you to grab a color of another object and apply it to another.
A. Merge Tool
B. Move Tool
C. Hand Tool
D. Eyedropper Tool (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
29. This is the shortcut key for adding a keyframe.
A. Erase Objects
B. Erase Only Shapes
C. Erase Selected Fills (Correct Answer)
D. Erase Normal
Ans: C
a, modify (i)
b, all of these (iv)